The Spooklights 

The Spooklights (Formerly MK Ultra) (est. 2021) is a unique collaboration of Ben Miller (Ben Miller Band) and Pat Kay (The Kay Brothers) born out of the great pandemic. You see…here’s what happens when two fellas like this spend too much time in their shops and start playing “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” Miller & Kay, both renowned torchbearers for Ozark mountain music tradition heretofore, have basically built themselves some kind of jangle-stomp-time machine. And in it, together, have embarked on a journey exploring hillbilly music from a distant future. Banjos meet Synthesizers... Dulcimers meet Wobble... Strange flashing lights… Unexplained phenomena… These industrious builders of cobbled homemade instruments showcase some of their most bizarre implements & soundscapes. The future of the past is here, and it’s only weird the first time.


Molly Healey String Project